Student Awards and Scholarships

Australia Day Community Awards

Australia Day Community Awards

The Fairfield City Australia Day Community Award are presented annually to local citizens who have made outstanding contributions to the community. The 2023 Award categories are:

  • Citizen of the Year - 25 years and over
  • Young Citizen of the Year - 12 to 24
  • Volunteer of the Year - 12 years and over
  • Sports Achiever of the Year - 12 years and over    

Applications open in August each year.

For more information click here.

Graduation Certificates (Year 6 students)

Two students tossing graduation caps in air with streamers

There are few greater achievements than graduating from primary school. Not only is it a major milestone in any young person’s life, this also forms the foundation on which future education and training is built.

Each year, primary schools in the Fairfield local government area are invited to be part of this program.

For more information, please contact my office via email or phone 9725-0204.

I look forward to visiting your school to present the certificates and Aquatopia passes to your graduating Year 6 students at an appropriate assembly.

To book the Mayor for a Year 6 graduation at your school, click here.

Mayor's Community Spirit Award (Year 12 students)

Decorative banner with two drawn images reaching up to stars

Fairfield City Council has a long history of recognising and celebrating those in our community who serve Fairfield City with pride.  Many of them fit this service between their work, study and personal commitments. To honour and celebrate those Year 12 students who continue to lend a helping hand, the Mayor’s Community Spirit Award was established.

This award is presented to students who have made contributions to their local community or the City as a whole. These students can be either consistent or outstanding in their displays of kindness and/or service. They can be in service of the school, the Fairfield City community or a local charity.

In August, each high school within the Fairfield Local Government Area will be given the opportunity to be a part of this award program. Each school will be able to choose one Year 12 student to be the recipient. The duration, scale and level of impact of the service should be taken into consideration when choosing the winner. 

Each winner will be presented with a certificate and a $300.00 cash prize to be awarded at your end-of-year school assembly or awards night.

For more information, please email

To nominate a student for a Spirit Award, click here.

Mayoral Scholarship Fund

The Mayoral Scholarship Fund provides financial support of up to $2000 for academic, artistic, sporting or special needs to achieve their ambitions in order to realise a demonstrable commitment to the local community.

Provides financial support to persons in need for the purpose of furthering their education or gaining skills to become successful and to make a difference in the community.

Applications open August every year.

Mayor's Youth Achievement Awards

YAA logo for You Achievement Awards 

The Fairfield City Mayor’s Youth Achievement Awards are an opportunity to publicly acknowledge and recognise young people for their leadership, passion, commitment and enthusiasm in various areas and highlight their contribution to the Fairfield City community. 

The Mayor’s Youth Achievement Awards acknowledges young people in the following categories:

  • Leadership Award
  • Creating Change (through programs, initiatives or campaigns)
  • Sportsperson Award
  • Creative Arts Award
  • New Beginnings (newly arrived young people)
  • Start-Up Talent (start-up business or social enterprise)
  • Phoenix Award (personal achievement and resilience)
  • Outstanding Youth Group
  • First Nations Youth Award

Nominations open in April every year.

For more information click here.