I am pleased to say the Fairfield 2016-2026 City Plan was endorsed at last night's Council meeting which shows what you would like to see for Fairfield City over the next ten years.
Why is this plan important and what does it mean for all of us?
It tells us, and the State and Federal government, what your vision is for our City in the future.
It gives us direction on what extra services and additional infrastructure is needed to achieve what you want to see in Fairfield.
We use this document to prioritise our programs for the next four years and will focus on works such as repairs to broken footpaths and roads.
We want you to help us and check your roads and footpaths are on the list for upgrades.
If you think it is in poor condition and it's not on the list, let us know by this Friday 3 March by emailing mail@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au.
To check if an area near you is programmed for works in the next four years visit www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/worksprogram and download the list.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed in the City Plan and informed us of what they want for Fairfield City.
Everyone in our community has a part to play in making our City a great place to live, work and play.
Some of Council's exciting projects and upcoming events feature in the first edition of City Life for 2017, so keep an eye out on your letterboxes this week.
Clean Up Australia Day
One of my main priorities this year is making our City clean. We all create rubbish, but what we don't realise is that it blocks our streets, parks and waterways and makes for an untidy City.
I am calling on everyone to come along to the Clean Up Australia day event this Sunday 5 March.
Let's all come together as a community and make our City a 'Clean and Attractive Place'.
Keeping our City clean is the responsibility of all residents. I encourage everyone to take pride in our City to help keep it green and clean.