Praise for our Sydney storm volunteers

Published on 29 April 2015

Mayor Frank Carbone standing in front of a sign saying FAIRFIELD at Fairfield City Museum and Gallery

Last week we experienced a devastating weather event that affected much of greater Sydney and the Newcastle area. Twelve areas were declared natural disaster zones.

I want to express my gratitude to all our emergency services and the volunteers who assisted our residents and those throughout the State.

During this emergency, Council worked closely with the SES to monitor flood data, including undertaking inspections of critical locations in the Fairfield LGA. Council's Emergency Management Coordinator was at the NSW SES Regional Headquarters where rainfall and creek/river water levels as well as other flood data were being monitored.

Additionally, Council makes regular donations to the State Emergency Service (SES) to assist with the services provided to our residents.

Happy 100th birthday to Leonie Rogers

Last week I also had the pleasure of joining the 100th birthday celebration for Leonie Rogers.

Leonie has an interesting and diverse history in Fairfield. She was a founding member of Brenan Park, which was co-founded by her husband (Gordon) and Stan Morris.

Leonie was, and still is, an avid dancer, who opened a dance school in Smithfield and Cabramatta – the Lee Rogers School of Dance, which later became Jenny Lee School of Dance (Jenny is her daughter). She taught jazz, tap, and ballet.

Significantly, though, Leonie also worked for about 10 years as one of Council's Park Rangers, along with her husband, who was Council's first Park Ranger.

Leonie was also a member of the fundraising committee for City Farm until its closure.

It gives me great pleasure to recognise our locals who do so much for the Fairfield community.

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