Our City to be investment gateway
Published on 01 November 2017
Last week the Greater Sydney Commission launched its draft Western City District Plan with some exciting proposals for the future of Fairfield City.
Our community stands to benefit from our City being a gateway to the new Western Sydney Airport.
A proposed rail connection from the airport to Parramatta and through our City could provide great opportunities for our community, bringing jobs, economic growth and social benefits.
Our town centres will be strengthened with a focus on creating more liveable communities with increased housing, more open space and community infrastructure.
New transport connections will also boost our tourism opportunities as well as enable more business and industry access.
It could also benefit the future transformation of Fairfield Showground, enabling it to become a regional venue into the future.
The rural lands around Horsley Park are identified in the draft District Plan as a Metropolitan Rural Area and will be investigated for potential urban development opportunities.
Council and I have persistently lobbied the State and Federal Governments for significant infrastructure investment that will benefit Fairfield City residents. Our community deserves a liveable City that includes jobs, housing, green space, infrastructure and community facilities.
The draft Western City District Plan is on public exhibition until 15 December. I encourage everyone to read through the new plan and have your say.