New futsal court at Emerson Park
Published on 23 September 2020
The futsal court at Emerson Park in Wetherill Park has been very popular with local teams and the community. I’m pleased to announce that we will build upon this success with a second futsal court right next door.
The new futsal court, converted from an existing tennis court, will have spectator seating as well as dugouts for teams. It will bring added diversity to our sporting facilities and will improve access for community sporting teams, training academies, schools and local families. One of Council’s priorities is to give residents as many diverse recreational opportunities as possible to get out and about and be fit and healthy with friends and family.
There will still be two tennis courts at the park, and Council will continue to have tennis courts available for hire right around our City. It is important though that if facilities become underutilised that they are converted into a more diverse and in-demand facility.
While we are continuing to invest in large parks like Emerson Park, we also understand the importance of our smaller parks. Council has more than 200 smaller parks right across our City. We can’t update them all at the same time, but we are systematically working through these parks every year to both maintain and improve them.
Because these parks are small, it is difficult to put in parking, larger play equipment and other amenities. That’s why it is important that we also continue to invest in larger parks. This financial year, Council plans to spend $20.2 million maintaining and improving our open spaces.
Council is committed to ensuring that Fairfield City residents have quality parks and playgrounds within walking or short driving distance so they can come together and be fit and healthy with family and friends.