Keep up the good work Fairfield
Published on 11 August 2021
I am so proud of the community of Fairfield. We have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to stop the spread of COVID in our community. We’ve copped the brunt of the toughest restrictions, but I’m always here to stand up for Fairfield. We are strong, we are resilient, and in Fairfield we will get through this together.
The Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA) in particular has been hit the hardest with the restrictions on workers, both within the LGA and those that usually travel outside the LGA for work. I am calling for the Government, both state and federal to provide financial support that reflects the impact of those restrictions.
I believe that people – businesses and families –who have lost 100% of their income need more support than those in other parts of Sydney who have lost 30% of their income. I agree that support for everyone is necessary but it needs to be appropriate to the level of impact and apportioned to those most in need.
I am also appealing to the Governments at both levels to provide more choice and locations for locals to be vaccinated. If we are in the hardest hit areas of Sydney, we should have easy and quick access to any vaccine that’s available and we should be able to make that choice.
We will get through this Fairfield. Our sacrifices are making a difference for our families, our neighbours, our colleagues and broader Sydney. Thank you for staying home and doing the right thing. The numbers in Fairfield are reducing and we just need to keep it up. In Fairfield, we are in this together.