Call to upgrade The Horsley Drive
Published on 24 March 2021
I am deeply concerned about the recent traffic incidents on The Horsley Drive and I am calling on the State Government to upgrade this road for the safety of drivers, pedestrians and residents along the road.
The Horsley Drive was opened in 1959. It is a 13km arterial road that links our City, our industrial complexes and our residents from the east to the west, from Lansvale to Horsley Park, and through to other parts of Sydney.
Our City is growing and over the next few years, the State Government is looking to increase the number of factories an industrial complexes in the west of our City. We need to make sure these carriageways stay safe for the tens of thousands of commuters, truck drivers and pedestrians that use them every day, as well as the residents that live along them.
The Horsley Drive needs an upgrade. There have been way too many accidents there. Cars and trucks are speeding along it, the lanes are not wide enough, it is over capacity and in the next few years this road will reach its limit. While the State Government is looking to upgrade The Horsley Drive from the M7 Motorway to Cowpasture Road, that is not enough. We all know how busy the road is from Lansvale and Carramar through to Fairfield.
I will be writing to the Premier and the Minister for Transport to make sure they do an audit of the full length of The Horsley Drive to find all the different black spots, identify what can be upgraded in the future, to slow down the traffic, make the lanes wider and make sure we keep our community safe.
This will be a big investment but is one that the State Government should not walk away from. It’s all well and good to have more factories in Horsley Park and for the State Government to put in more housing across western Sydney, but the infrastructure needs to be upgraded too. It’s not just about building new roads – it’s about fixing the existing road network as well.
It is important that the planning starts now, that the audit starts now and that we keep our people safe.