We pride ourselves on being innovative at Fairfield and we are always looking at ways we can bring affordable family fun to our City.
During COVID-19, the challenge is to put on events for the community while meeting restrictions and keeping the community safe.
The perfect solution is to bring back the classic drive-in to Fairfield Showground. It’s an ideal way to social distance while enjoying getting out of the house and having a night out with the family. Before COVID-19 stopped indoor movie theatres, before Netflix and Foxtel streamed movies into our living rooms, prior to CDs and video shops, drive-ins were the place to go. We had our very own drive-in cinema on the site where Mary Mackillop Catholic College is today that ran from 1957 to 1984.
We are working with Australian Amusements - the organisers of the popular Fairfield Easter Fair - to bring the drive-ins to Fairfield. The first movies will be shown on Saturday, 6 June. There will be 5.30pm and 6pm sessions of Cars 3, and 8.30pm and 9pm sessions of The Greatest Showman. Movies will be screened every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night for four weeks. The movies will be a mixture of new and recent releases, as well as some classics.
We are committed to making sure this event is affordable for Fairfield City residents and that is why we are contributing to and supporting this event. Screening the movies, staff, extra cleaning and traffic control all cost money. But with Council support, the costs can be kept low, with tickets at only $20 a car. Other drive-ins in Sydney are charging more than twice that the price. And since the movies aren’t the same without popcorn, all Fairfield City residents will receive a free large popcorn and bag of lollies for the family to share. There will also be food and snacks you can buy.
You can book your tickets online from 6pm, Wednesday 27 May at www.facebook.com/thefairfielddrivein. Tickets are sure to be popular so book in quickly to avoid missing out.
We are still looking at other opportunities to bring fun to Fairfield City within the guidelines, and we would love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any ideas that the community would love and that are safe to enjoy during COVID-19 restrictions.