Tree Removal & Pruning

Do you need a private tree or street tree removed or pruned?

Trees are protected in Fairfield City, so removing a tree requires Council approval.

Pruning can also require Council approval.

You need to apply for a Tree Work Permit so that Council's Tree Management Officer can assess your application. 


Below is a step-by-step guide for anyone interested in removing or pruning a private tree, including how to get a tree work permit.

Please note: Penalties apply if a tree is damaged or removed without a Tree Work Permit.


Before applying for a Tree Work Permit to remove a tree, make sure it is the best option.  Think about the steps below before deciding what to do. 

Step 1.Can the problem be fixed with pruning?

Pruning a tree can help to fix a problem without removing the tree completely.  For more infomation on tree pruning, click here for an information sheet(PDF, 884KB)

If a tree has a height of over 4 metres or a branch span of over 3 metres, a Tree Work Permit may be required. 

For more information on pruning a tree, contact Council's Tree Management Officer on 02 9725 0222.

Step 2.Is the tree interfering with a power line?

Energy companies are responsible for tree pruning around power lines.

For more information on pruning a tree around a power line, contact Endeavour Energy on 133 718.

For emergency situations where a tree has fallen on powerlines, contact Endeavour Energy on 131 003.

Step 3.Is the tree outside of your property?

If the tree is on public land, contact Council on 9725 0222 and the problem will be investigated. 

If the tree is on your neighbour's land, you will need to talk with them. 

Council needs the consent of the owner to remove or prune a tree.

For more information, please read our Trees on neighbouring properties - how to resolve problems. 

Step 4.Is the tree on your property?

For more information about the Council's tree removal consideration process you can read Fairfield City Council's Tree Management and Tree Work Permits(PDF, 841KB) and Trees and Plumbing(PDF, 774KB) information sheets.  

Step 5.Is your tree removal part of land clearing for development? 

The NSW Government introduced the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) to minimise and help offset impacts to biodiversity, which occur as result of land clearing associated with development. The BOS provides a set of guidelines under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, which allow for the fair and consistent assessment of any development that involves the clearing of native vegetation. 

For more information about whether your development is assessable under the BOS, click here for a Biodiversity Offsets Scheme fact sheet.(PDF, 1MB)

Step 6.There are fees associated with submitting a tree work permit

After considering the above points, you may still think applying for a Tree Work Permit is the right course of action.

Below is a list of fees associated with a Tree Work Permit valid to 30 June 2024:

Trees Tree Work Permit Application Fee Fee - Pensioner discount
1 - 2 $89 $44.50
3 - 4 $178 $89
5 - 6 $267 $133.50
7 - 8 $356 $178
9 - 10 $445 $222.50


Follow the link below to apply for a Tree Work Permit.

Tree Work Permit Application