Flood Maps Fairfield City Council has adopted planning controls covering flood prone land in accordance with the NSW Flood Development Manual and the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy.
Local Environmental Plans and Maps Local Environmental Plans guide land use and development by zoning land, identifying what land uses are allowed in each zone, and specifying development standards.
Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) provides the strategy for the Fairfield community’s economic, social and environmental land use needs over the next 20 years
Fairfield Local Environmental Plan Review Fairfield Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 is being reviewed to align with priorities outlined in the Greater Sydney Commission's Western City District Plan. Learn more here.
Planning Agreements More on Council's planning agreements, including our policy and register of planning agreements.
Local Policies Local policies relating to planning and building. These include the stormwater management policy, outdoor dining and the display of goods on public domain policy.
Planning Proposals A Planning Proposal is the process to change the zoning of a site or sites, and/or the range of activities permissible on a site within a Local Environmental Plan. Click here to learn of the process.
Local Infrastructure Contributions Your development may require the payment of contributions to fund local infrastructure including community and recreation facilities (e.g. libraries and leisure centres), parks and playgrounds and public domain improvements in town centres. Find out more here, including how to calculate the contribution payable.
Airport Information Information on Western Sydney International Airport and its environmental impact, as well as Sydney Metro Bankstown Airport.
Bushfire Prone Land On 22 December 2017, Fairfield City Council’s Bushfire Prone Land Map was certified by the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service and identifies specific land in Fairfield City classified as Bushfire Prone Land.