Review of Council's wards

Published on 01 March 2019

Map of Fairfield Local Government Area divided into three wards Parks, Fairfield, Cabravale

Fairfield City Council will conduct a review of its current ward system to ensure that it effectively meets the needs of residents.

Councillors voted in favour of the review at Tuesday night's Council Meeting. Council officers will report back on a number of options, including abolishing all wards, reducing the number of wards from 3 to 2, retaining 3 wards or increasing the number of wards to 4.

The community will be consulted once the options have been considered by Council.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone said it was important that the ward system served the best interests of the community.

"Last Tuesday night I put forward a Mayoral Minute asking Council to review our ward system to make sure the system works in the best interests of residents," Mayor Carbone said.

"We want the system to be simpler for the community and more representative of their needs. We will be asking the community for their views.

"At the last election, there were more than 12,000 informal votes. The current system confuses people.

"My own view is that based on final evidence a reduction of the number of wards and the number of councillors should be considered if it maintains representation for the community. This will bring cost savings and benefits to the community."

Council last reviewed the ward system in 2002, when the number of wards was reduced from 4 to 3, which led to cost savings and a more efficient system.

"Since 2002, the demographics of our City has changed substantially and will continue to do so in the near future," Mayor Carbone said.

"On this basis it's important to again review and makes sure the process is efficient and easier, while maintaining relevance and the highest level of representation for all our residents."

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