Fairfield City Trial Assistance to First Home Buyers Scheme
What is the Trial Assistance to First Home Buyers Scheme?
The Scheme will operate from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2025 inclusive. Applicants are required to complete the Trial Assistance to First Home Buyers Scheme application form, including providing all other prescribed documents (including evidence of First Home Owner Grant from Revenue NSW) necessary to support the application.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for funding, the:
How are applications assessed?
An assessment will be made by Council on each application for assistance under the Scheme based on satisfaction of the following criteria:
- Applicant has received First Home Owner Grant (New Home) between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 (inclusive).
- Property on which the First Home Owner Grant (New Home) was issued is within the Fairfield City Local Government Area.
- No previous application made by the applicant or in relation to the subject property has been approved or rejected by Fairfield City Council under the Scheme.
How much is the assistance amount?
The amount of assistance being provided will be based on the ($) amount of local infrastructure contributions (previously referred to as development contributions) paid on the individual dwelling (i.e. the property to which the application relates).
The amount of the assistance will be calculated based on 50% of the Local infrastructure contribution ($) paid to Fairfield City Council on the individual dwelling.
The assistance ($) amount calculated under the Scheme will be as per the contribution amount previously paid to Council (i.e. will not be updated to the current CPI rate).
If the local infrastructure contribution has not been paid for the dwelling (property to which the application relates), then the contribution amount identified will be that conditioned in the development approval or complying development certificate (unless the applicant is the same person responsible for the non-payment). If no amount is included in the CDC approval, the amount will be calculated based on the local infrastructure contribution (at the CPI rate) at the date the approval was issued.
Apply for trial assistance