Research and Information
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Research report
We have collated many reports on Community Service Issues. The downloadable PDFs below are categorised by Author, Date, Title. If you know of any useful reports the sector would benefit from them, please send the document or link to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Child Protection
Council Strategies
- ACOSS, 2022, Australian Experience of poverty: Risk precarity and uncertainty during COVID-19
- ACOSS 2021 Meeting demand in the shadow of the Delta outbreak: Community Sector Experiences
- ACOSS, 2020, Australia's Community Sector and COVID-19 - Supporting Communities through Crisis(PDF, 4MB)
- Anglicare, 2021, Life after Lockdown: Social and Economic Impacts of Covid-19 on Disadvantaged Australians(PDF, 778KB)
- ANROWS, 2021, Intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of women in Australia
- DCJ, 2020, Impact of COVID 19 on the NSW Volunteering Sector
- Donor Republic, 2020, Coronavirus impact on fundraising(PDF, 4MB)
- Equity Economics - NCOSS, 2020, A Wave of Disadvantage across NSW - Impact of COVID-19 Recession
- MJA, 2022, Living with COVID19 in 2022: the impact of the pandemic on Australian general practice
- NCIRS, 2021, COVID-19 in schools and early childhood education and care services - the experience in NSW: 16 June to July 2021
- NCOSS, 2022, The Other Frontline The essential role of place-based NGOs during the Delta and Omicron COVID-19 outbreaks in NSW
- University of Newcastle, 2020, Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on NSW schools
- Womens Safety NSW, 2020, Continued impacts of COVID-19 on Domestic and Family Violence(PDF, 647KB)
- Impact Economics and Policy and NCOSS, 2023, Beyond roads and bridges, Critical social infrastructure for South West Sydney(PDF, 10MB)
- Western Sydney University, 2022, Liveability in Western Sydney(PDF, 5MB)
- Westir, 2025, Estimating Homelessness in Greater Western Sydney 2021 Census Topic Paper(PDF, 5MB)
- Westir, 2022, Disability in Greater Western Sydney 2021 Census Topic Paper
- Westir, 2022, Household & Family Composition in Greater Western Sydney 2021 Census Topic Paper
- Westir, 2022, The Indigenous Population of Greater Western Sydney 2021 Census Topic Paper
- Westir, 2022, West Sydney in the spotlight 2021 Census Topic Paper
- Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) in Greater Western Sydney(PDF, 6MB)
- ACOSS, 2022, Poverty in Australia 2022 A snapshot
- ACOSS, 2020, Poverty in Australia(PDF, 1MB)
- ACYP, 2023, How Children and young people are impacted by and responding to the rising cost of living in NSW
- Anglicare, 2018, Going it alone - A study of Lone Person Households, Social Isolation and Disadvantage in Sydney(PDF, 3MB)
- Anglicare, 2023, Hungry or Homeless - Tough Choices in a cost-of-living crisis(PDF, 892KB)
- Anglicare, 2023, Rental Affordability Snapshot 2023(PDF, 708KB)
- Anglicare, 2020, Rental affordability snapshot(PDF, 2MB) 2020
- Anglicare, 2021, Life after Lockdown Social and Economic Impacts of Covid-19 on Disadvantaged Australians(PDF, 778KB)
- NCOSS, 2021, Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW
- Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW
- NSW GOV, 2019, South Western Sydney District Data Profile
- Parliament of NSW, 2023, Social and affordable housing shortages
- The Australia Institute, 2024, Doing it Tough: How Australians are experiencing the cost of living crisis(PDF, 2MB)
Family & Domestic Violence
Gambling Harm
- AIHW, 2023, The health of Australia's males(PDF, 2MB)
- AIHW, 2018, The health of Australian Men(PDF, 2MB)
- AIHW, 2023, The health of Australia's females(PDF, 2MB)
- AIHW, 2018, The health of Australian Women(PDF, 2MB)
- Jean Hailes for Womens Health, 2022, National Womens health survey
- LaTrobe, 2021, Writing Themselves in 4, the health and wellbeing of LGBTQA+ Young People in Australia
- NSW GOV, 2019, South Western Sydney District Data Profile
- Relationships Australia, 2024, The ongoing effects of partnered relationship breakdown on our mental health, wellbeing and future outlook(PDF, 2MB)
- Relationships Australia, 2022, National survey of the state of relationships in Australia(PDF, 4MB)
- AIHW, 2022, People with disability in Australia(PDF, 9MB)
- AIHW, 2020, People with disability in Australia(PDF, 8MB)
- LGBTQA+ Inclusive language DOs and DON'T(PDF, 32KB)
- Mission Australia, 2022, Youth Survey
- Mission Australia, 2021, Youth Survey
- Mission Australia, 2020, Youth Survey
- Southern Cross University, 2020, FAMS Telepractice in Family Work Study - Summary of interim findings(PDF, 615KB)
- WSU, 2020, Advancing LGBTQ+ Safety and Inclusion