Access to Information

Lady with writing pad, pencil and laptop


You can request access to Council records. There are different ways to access information.

  • Self-searches - You can search for documents via Council's portal, such as Applications and certificates, notices and orders, documents and policies
  • Requesting Council records - For information that is not readily available, you can submit a request online or at Council's administration centre.
  • Open access information - The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) states Council must disclose certain information, known as open access information (see below).
  • Proactive release - We proactively release information and aim to ensure we provide the public with as much information as possible.
  • Obtaining land title information - You can search for land title information from the NSW Land Registry Services.
  • Agency Information Guide - You can view our Information Guide here.
  • Data Sharing Portal - Find data about Council Facilities and Park Moisture. You can visit the Data Sharing Portal here.
  • Annual Disclosure of Interests Returns (Returns) - Council’s Code of Conduct requires Councillors and designated persons to make a written annual declaration of interests to the General Manager. These annual Returns are tabled at the first Council Meeting in October each year. Under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (‘GIPA Act’), the Returns must be made publicly available free of charge on Council’s website unless there is an overriding public interest against their disclosure. In recognition that these Returns may contain personal information Council is able to apply a public interest test to determine which information should be redacted. Set out below are the redacted returns.
    Disclosure of Interests Returns(PDF, 18MB)


Applications for Access to Information

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 allows members of the public to apply for Council held information. The GIPA Act allows for different forms of access to information.

What you need to know before submitting your application

Council can refuse to deal with your GIPA application if it causes an unreasonable and substantial diversion of Council resources.

Before lodging a GIPA application for Council-held information, please check to see whether the information you are seeking is already publicly available on our website.

Before submitting your request, please ensure that you have:

  • Identified the subject matter of the information you are requesting clearly
  • Identified the date range of the information you are requesting
  • Identified the type of information you are requesting (e.g. a report or emails)
  • Included why the information is important to you
  • Identified whether this information is personal information
  • Identified whether this information may assist you in exercising any legal rights
  • Included the name of any agency who may hole the information you are requesting.

Informal Request For Information

If you are seeking information that is not publicly available through our website, an Informal Access Application Form should be completed. Click here for a hard copy version of the form(PDF, 357KB).
Informal requests should be lodged when:

  • A smaller scope of information is requested
  • You are seeking personal information
  • The information you are seeking is not sensitive to another person or business

An applicant may be directed to complete a Formal Request for Information if the information sought does not fall within the scope of an informal request.

Please complete this form to apply for informal access to Council held information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).  If you require assistance completing this form, please contact the Manager Information and Records on 9725 0222. 

PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY – The personal information requested on this form will only be used to fulfil the purpose for which it is being collected.  The supply of this information by you is voluntary but if you cannot or do not wish to provide the personal information sought, we may not be able to process your application.  Council is regarded as the agency that holds the information and will endeavour to ensure that this information remains accurate and up-to-date.  You may also request an amendment to information held by Council or for suppression of your information from a Public Register. Should you require further information please contact Council’s Privacy Officer.

Formal Request For Information

If information cannot be accessed through an informal request, a Formal Access Application Form may be required. Formal requests are applicable when:

  • A large volume of information is requested
  • Third party consultation is required as the records include personal or business information about other parties
  • Identifying information would require an extensive search

Formal requests include a $30 application fee and processing charges may apply.

Click here for a hard copy version of the Formal Access Application Form(PDF, 394KB).

Please complete this form to apply for formal access to Council held information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you require assistance completing this form, please contact the Access to Information Coordinator on 9725 0222.

PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY – The personal information requested on this form will only be used to fulfil the purpose for which it is being collected.  The supply of this information by you is voluntary but if you cannot or do not wish to provide the personal information sought, we may not be able to process your application.  Council is regarded as the agency that holds the information and will endeavour to ensure that this information remains accurate and up-to-date.  You may also request an amendment to information held by Council or for suppression of your information from a Public Register. Should you require further information please contact Council’s Privacy Officer.

Internal Review Application

An applicant has the right to review a decision under Part 5 of the GIPA Act. If you seek an internal review, please complete the Internal Review Application Form within 20 working days of the notice of decision. Click here for a hard copy version of the form(PDF, 348KB).

An internal review fee of $40 applies.

You must lodge this form within 20 working days after notice of the decision was given to you.

This form should be used if you wish to apply for internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you need help completing this form, please contact Council’s Manager Governance and Legal on 9725 0226. General information about accessing Council held information under the GIPA Act is available on the IPC’s website.

PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY – The personal information requested on this form will only be used to fulfil the purpose for which it is being collected.  The supply of this information by you is voluntary but if you cannot or do not wish to provide the personal information sought, we may not be able to process your application.  Council is regarded as the agency that holds the information and will endeavour to ensure that this information remains accurate and up-to-date.  You may also request an amendment to information held by Council or for suppression of your information from a Public Register. Should you require further information please contact Council’s Privacy Officer.

Open Access Information

  • Fairfield City Council Policies - You can view our Register for all Council policies.
  • Disclosure Log - Under the GIPA Act, our Disclosure Log is updated after access applications have been decided. The Disclosure Log provides details of information we have released that may be of interest to members of the public.
  • Contracts Awarded - You can view our Contracts Register to see a list of contracts valued at or worth more than $150,000.
  • Planning and Development - Visit the Building and Planning page to see whether you can find the information you are seeking. The DA Tracker allows you to see Development Applications that have been submitted in the last month. Development Applications made before 1 July 2010 are not deemed as open access information and therefore require a formal access application(PDF, 394KB).
  • Land, Leases and Licences - Download our Register for uses of public land classified as community land.