Shaping a diverse City
Published on 25 June 2019
Our City is located in one of the fastest growing regions in Sydney and we need to plan for our future, meeting open space, services and infrastructure needs to make sure our residents can continue to enjoy a good quality of life.
That is why we have put our draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) onto public exhibition today. This draft statement sets out a 20-year vision for land use in Fairfield City, identifying the special character that needs to be preserved, while always making sure that we take on opportunities to regenerate for the future.
The strength of our City comes from within its people. It's what makes us vibrant, strong and unique. That is why I want you to have your say in your City's future.
The LSPS plans for infrastructure; like new and improved local parks and sporting fields, improvements to our network of libraries and leisure centres, better roads, and advocating for new public transport links and educational opportunities, while ensuring that the environment is managed and conserved.
One of our great strengths is our location and we will continue to take advantage of our proximity to employment centres and the education and health services of Parramatta, Liverpool and the new Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
The goal is for all our residents to have access to the housing, employment opportunities and essential services they deserve in a City they are proud to call home.
Fairfield City is a great place to live, work and raise a family. We want this to continue to be the case for our children and grandchildren as well.