Giving back to the community 2017

Published on 12 July 2017

Mayor Frank Carbone standing in front of a sign saying FAIRFIELD at Fairfield City Museum and Gallery

There have been some recent discussions about the Mayor and Councillors giving back to the community in Fairfield City.

For a number of years, my fellow Councillors and I have donated tens of thousands of dollars from our Councillor fees, which go towards the Mayoral Community Benefit Fund and the Councillors Community Fund, to provide assistance for great causes that support the community of

These funds benefit the individuals and local community groups to fulfil important initiatives undertaken within our community such as charitable work, economic development or community support programs.

Since my time as Mayor, I have donated more than $50,000 from my Mayoral entitlements back into our local community.

There is no better feeling than to give back and help others.

While we know that everyone donates what they can, we ask you to consider donating to our local charities and causes such as Fairfield Hospital. By donating locally you are helping support our community.

If you want access to some of the funding that we have donated back to the community, and believe you or your community group meets the criteria of community achievement in a number of social, sporting, cultural and environmental initiatives in Fairfield City, visit and find out how to apply.

Mayor Frank Carbone smiling and posing with woman, holding an envelope at the Fairfield City Council Chambers

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