Council negotiating on City Deal
Published on 07 March 2018
Last weekend I met with the State and Federal Governments and seven other Council Mayors and agreed to continue negotiations on the Western Sydney City Deal.
With the three levels of government working together, the City Deal has the potential to bring many opportunities which can benefit local residents. It is therefore important that Council is part of these discussions.
We will have conversations over the coming months to ensure the City Deal meets community needs.
The Western Sydney City Deal has the potential to provide benefits for new communities but I am not yet satisfied that it adequately addresses the needs of existing and diverse migrant communities establishing in Western Sydney.
I am hopeful of a positive outcome as negotiations move forward. One of my priorities is to ensure improved liveability for current and future residents.
In particular I will continue advocating for the East-West rail link which will connect Western Sydney Airport to Parramatta with a route passing through Fairfield City.
Our Council has not yet committed to a City Deal as the final details are still being worked through.
We will not sign up to anything that will have a negative financial impact or that will leave our community worse off.
It is important we remain in the City Deal negotiations however so that we can have access to the right people at State and Federal levels.