Council Meetings


To access agenda items and/or minutes for Council meetings please see Agendas and Minutes (Business Papers)

You can also listen to the Council meeting live online.


How Council Meetings Work

Meeting Process 

Ordinary Council meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month starting at 7pm. A quorum of seven councillors is required to allow a Council Meeting to proceed. The Mayor acts as an impartial Chairperson for all Council meetings.

During each meeting, Council considers items (reports) that have been referred from the standing committees - that is the Outcomes, Services, or Traffic Committees. Each of these items contains a recommendation or motion from the standing committee.

Councillors may direct questions relating to a particular item to the Mayor or the Chairperson of the committee. The Council will move a motion for each item and each councillor has an opportunity to speak on each motion. At the conclusion of debate each item is put to the Council and a vote is taken.

For further information on meeting procedures please refer to the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Governance on 9725 0105.

Mayoral Process

The Mayor may put to a meeting (without notice) any matter the Council is allowed to deal with or which the Council officially knows about.

This would cover any Council function under the Local Government Act 1993 or other legislation, or any matter that has been brought to the Council’s attention, for example, by letter to the Mayor or the General Manager.

This power to make Mayoral Minutes recognises the special role of the Mayor. A Mayoral Minute overrides all business on the agenda for the meeting and the Mayor may move that the Minute be adopted without the motion being seconded.


Access to Council Meetings

Public Attendance

All Council and committee meetings are open to the public and media, apart from those parts that are in closed session to consider confidential items.

Members of the public can also address committee meetings on items that are on the committee's agenda. Normally only two (2) speakers are permitted for each item – one in support, the other against. Requests for more than two speakers must be submitted to the committee for consideration.

If you wish to speak to the committee on an agenda item, contact either the:

  • Council officer who advised you, or 
  • The Council officer who wrote the report, or 
  • The Governance by calling 9725 0105 or emailing by 9am on the Monday before the Services or Outcomes meeting or 4pm on the Friday before the Traffic Committee.

If an item directly affects you as a resident (e.g. an application you have lodged with the Council), you will normally be advised of when the item is being discussed.

When attending meetings, people must not interrupt proceedings and silence should be observed. When entering or leaving the Council Chambers, acknowledgment should be given to 'The Chair' by way of a simple nod of the head in the Chairperson's direction.

Live Streaming

With our live streaming service you can listen to Council meetings and committee meetings online, without having to attend.

Listen to Meetings Live.

Ask a Question at the Public Forum

If you wish to ask a question at the Public Forum, please download and complete this form(DOC, 173KB).

Please read Part 4 of the Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 370KB) before completing this form.

For further information you can contact us on 9725 0222.

The application needs to be lodged no later than noon (12pm) on the day of the Ordinary Council Meeting.

Protecting Your Privacy

The personal information requested on this form will be used only to fulfil the purpose for which it is being collected. The supply of this information by you is voluntary, but if you cannot or do not wish to provide the personal information sought, we may not be able to process your form.



Meeting Calendar 2025

2025 Councillor
Committees Councillor
Council Councillor
Traffic Outcomes
6.30pm 2.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 6.30pm
January  - -
February 4 10 11 18 25
March 4 - 11 18 25
April 1 14 8 15  22  29
May 6 13 20 27
June 3 2 10 17 -
July 1 8 15 22 29
August 5 11 12 19 26
September - 16  23  30
October 7 13 14 - 21 28
November 4 - 11 18
December  - 8 2 9



  • Dates and start times may vary. Please ensure that you confirm prior to the meeting.
  • Due to the King's Birthday Public Holiday (9 June), the Traffic Committee Meeting is brought forward one week.
  • The National General Assembly (NGA) will be held on 24-27 June 2025, the Council meeting has been brought forward to Week 3 of June.
  • Due to the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Conference in Penrith (23-25 November 2025) there will be no Councillor Briefing in Week 3 of November. The Ordinary Council meeting is brought forward one week
  • Due to the Christmas period in December, Services and Outcomes Committee meetings will be held in Week 1 and Traffic Committee will be held in Week 2. The Ordinary Council Meeting in December will be in Week 2.
  • Councillor Briefings are attended by Councillors and staff only.