Community Recycling Centres
Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) are permanent drop-off centres for common household problem wastes that can’t be collected via council kerbside waste and recycling collection services. NSW householders can drop off problem wastes at any of these centres year round, free of charge.
Where are CRCs located?
The closest CRC to Fairfield City is the:
Liverpool Community Recycling Centre,
99 Rose Street,
Liverpool, NSW 2170
Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday, 7am to 3pm
For more information about the Liverpool CRC, visit Liverpool City Council webpage.
There are now more than 90 CRCs open in NSW.
Search for other CRCs
What can I take to a CRC?
Householders are able to dispose of the following waste items free of charge:

- Only household quantities of these materials will be accepted. As a guide, this is a maximum container of 20 litres or 20 kilograms for each waste type.
- Some centres may accept other types of waste. Contact your local centre to find out if other items are accepted and if any charges apply.
- Handle and transport your items carefully. Protect your vehicle by placing items on a protective sheet or tray in the boot to capture any leakages or breakages.
For more information call the Environment Line on 131 555. Alternatively visit the EPA Environment Line or EPA Recycling Centres webpage.
This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. For more information, visit the NSW Environment Protection Authority.