Using Our Sportsfields including when wet
Sportsfields Status
Sportsfields are Open
Please be advised that Fairfield City Council's Sportsfields are Now Open with Clubs discretion as from Tuesday 12 March 2025 until further notice
Clubs need to undertake a risk assessment prior to use of the sportsfields
Our sporting facilities can be hired seasonally (winter/summer) or for events. Larger events may require a Local Activity Application, which must be submitted at least six weeks before the event to allow for processing (application fee applies).
Instructions for Using Sportfields
Before using Sportsfields
- Inspect the sportsfields/sporting facilities to ensure they are fit for play.
- Games/training should not go ahead if water is pooling, the play surface is wet underfoot, or debris is not cleared.
- Report if sharp objects (syringes) are found. Secure the site and contact Council on 9725 0222. Council will send a trained officer to safely dispose of these.
After using Sportsfields
Process before and after your season hire
- Complete the Sporting Facilities Checklist at the beginning and at the completion of your seasonal hire to help with scheduled maintenance inspections of the facility. Please email the completed check list to
Sportsfield Wet Weather Closures - How and why decisions are made
Sportsfield closures are inevitable during the course of any season due to wet weather or any other number of reasons. These closures are determined by Council to ensure playing fields are not damaged for play throughout the season. While Fairfield City Council consults with adjoining Councils before deciding on keeping playing fields open or closed for play, the weather conditions (eg level of rainfall) in one council area can be different to an adjoining council area.
Council has over 70 sportsfields, and no two playing fields are alike. A large number of Council’s sportsfields are dual purpose playing fields and stormwater detention basins. Some playing fields are on the floodplain, others are on higher ground. Due to soil type (eg part clay or sandy loam), each playing field also has its own ability to absorb rainwater either quickly or slowly.
With the Fairfield local government area covering 100 square kilometres, it is not possible to decide which individual fields are fit to play: all fields are closed on probability of being in fit condition for play.
While rain unfortunately disrupts use and enjoyment of the City’s sportsfields, the rain doesn’t reduce maintenance cost. In some cases, maintenance costs increase particularly when damage has been done to playing fields.
Council understands that rainy seasons disrupt the income stream for many clubs, particularly reduced takings from canteen sales. While the request for discounts due to adverse weather is understood, the significant subsidy by the community already offers value for money compared to the cost of providing facilities.
Decisions to close sportsfields are not taken lightly. Council balances the disruption to play against the need to protect playing fields from damage so that play can continue at optimal surface conditions during favourable weather.
Sportsfield Maintenance - How and when we keep them fit for play
Council carries out a comprehensive sportsfield renovation and maintenance program each year from September through to March.
Renovation and maintenance work includes aeration, topdressing, weed spraying, fertilising and turfing.
Sportsfield Upgrades - Program for improvements
Capital projects vary in scale, with large cost projects a long-term investment which build on, add to, or improve Council’s assets.
Capital projects include asset replacement, upgrade or new construction.
Council has a history of adopting Special Rate Variations (SRV) to undertake upgrades to sportsfields including new or renovated amenity buildings (inclusive of accessibility improvements to change rooms and toilets), irrigation, lighting, seating, fencing, new storage rooms, exercise equipment, shade structures, car parking and landscaping.
The 2013 SRV for Sportsgrounds included $1,000,000 per year to increase the service Council provides on renovating its sportsgrounds. This resulted in major renovation and upgrades of up to 14 sportsgrounds throughout the Fairfield local government area.
Each year Council's Operational Plan contains projects that continues the work of increasing the standard of sporting facilities for residents and visitors. These projects are completed over the life of the four year Delivery Program.
This website advice is a primary source of information about the status of Council's Sportsfields.
At other times call Council's Customer Service Centre on 02 9725 0222.