Amplify - Transcribe Oral Histories
We need your help to transcribe the stories of Fairfield’s locals
Digital platform Amplify is home to hundreds of oral history recordings. A joint venture between the State Library of New South Wales, Fairfield City Open Libraries and other library institutions; Amplify is a tool that creates accurate transcripts with the help of volunteers.
Through Amplify, you can hear from some of Fairfield’s locals retelling their memories of childhood, migration and employment in the early years. Learn about the city’s trials and tribulations as well as times of happiness and prosperity, or discover how our places and communities have changed over time to become what they are today.
Fairfield City Open Libraries is seeking the help of volunteers from the community to edit the computer-generated transcripts of its oral history recordings on Amplify. This could include correcting errors, improving accuracy and ultimately enriching these important historical documents. If this opportunity sounds like something of interest to you, head over to and start transcribing!
Tips on how to get started
For more information contact Marilyn Gallo 9725 0222.
Amplify is powered by the State Library of NSW