Under the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998, all cat and dog owners must take two simple steps to register pets: microchipping and lifetime registration.
Customers can pay their pet's registration at Council or online, or visit the NSW Pet Registry. You can update your details and create an online profile for the following:
- Change address, phone number or email address
- Transfer ownership of a pet
- Report a pet as missing
- Report a pet as deceased
- Pay online lifetime registration fees
To register online via the NSW Pet Registry website www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au you must create a profile.
Please note: If your pet desexing details have not been uploaded to this register, please forward your desexing certificate, drivers licence, pension card (if applicable) to mail@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au. This documentation must be provided prior to registration payment being processed online.
Registration can be paid:
- In person at Fairfield Council
- Phone payment via credit card (a 0.75% surcharge applies for Visa or MasterCard). Please email the completed Lifetime Registration form and supporting documents to mail@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au providing a contact number. A Customer Service Officer will then contact you to arrange payment.
- Service NSW
- Animal Welfare League NSW
- Cat Protection Society
If you are unable to register your pet on the NSW Pet Registry website or wish to make a phone payment please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 9725 0222 for further assistance.
Council has been given the power to enforce the law, including dealing with dangerous and restricted dogs.
Council has adopted a Companion Animal Management Plan 2015-2020.
You must ensure your animal is permanently identified by microchip and lifetime registered. Microchipping and registration of cats is a legal requirement under the NSW Companion Animal Act. From 1 July 2020, the NSW Government introduced annual permits for owners of non-desexed cats and restricted and dangerous dogs. You can find out more about annual permit fees here. (If you require any further information on annual permits, please contact the NSW Pet Registry at pets@olg.nsw.gov.au or 1300 134 460.)