Urban Design Studies
Urban design studies are concept plans that demonstrate the capability of a site or precinct to accommodate the vision, objectives or intended outcomes of a proposal or a place. They are the starting point in bringing about new greenfield development or urban renewal in areas where the potential extends beyond the existing type and density of development. Opportunities to deliver improvements to pedestrian/vehicular connections, civic and new open space are also key features of urban design studies to create liveable and healthy communities.
Council has completed a number of urban design studies for its centres. In March 2018, Council adopted urban design studies for the Fairfield Heights Town Centre and the Villawood Town Centre including adjoining vacant high density residential land owned by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation. A number of recommended land use zone and/or development standard (height of building, floor space ratio etc) have been implemented through planning proposals that are now in effect through amendments to the Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013. The new opportunities for revitalisation of centres also help to meet State Government housing target requirements under Sydney metropolitan and district plans.
The adopted Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study 2018 for key sites provides a guideline for future development potential of sites larger than 2,500m2. The Study informed development standard changes to the four hectare Fairfield Forum site at 8-36 Station Street, Fairfield that came into effect through the planning proposal process in December 2021. Landowners of these larger sites are encouraged to become familiar with the Study's recommendations, as well as the potential community benefits that may be realised to continue revitalising the Fairfield City Centre.
Four urban design studies have informed changes to planning controls in Fairfield City Centre (whole of centre), Cabramatta Town Centre, Canley Vale Local Centre and the Carramar precinct. In June 2022 Council adopted a number of recommendations concerning land use zones and development standards for the various centres and precincts which will be implemented when finalised by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment later in 2022. For more information, click on the tabs below or contact Council's Customer Service Team on 9725 0222.
Fairfield Heights Town Centre 2018
Council at its meeting held on 17 April 2018 considered a report (Item 41) and resolved to endorse a Planning Proposal to amend Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013.
Villawood Town Centre 2018
Council at its meeting held on 17 April 2018 considered a report (Item 42) and resolved to endorse a Planning Proposal to amend Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013.
Fairfield City Centre Key Sites 2018
This urban design study for the Fairfield City Centre applies to key sites larger than 2500m2.
It is intended that the Study for Fairfield City Centre will form the basis of landowner or applicant initiated planning proposals to amend the Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013.
Each planning proposal will need to be supported by the relevant technical studies including but not limited to:
Urban Design Report
Robust analysis and justification at the site and precinct level to support the building heights and massing proposed with detail on how the indicative built form would impact its immediate context and future anticipated development outcomes for adjoining sites. This forms a strategic merit test in response to the Study to support proposed building height and massing outcomes.
Architectural Design Merit
Demonstration that a compliant built form with a high level of architectural design merit can be achieved on the site within the parameters of the development controls proposed.
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 65 and the Apartment Design Guide
Detail to include solar impacts analysis on surrounding properties and indicative floor plans.
Flooding Impacts
Hydrology inputs provided to address any impacts of or to mainstream flooding, overland flooding or subsurface water.
Traffic Impacts
Traffic modelling for the subject site that incorporates future development anticipated by this study for all key sites.
Additional height and/or floor space ratios in excess of those in the Study may only be considered where outstanding design excellence and community benefits greater than those in the Study are achieved.
Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study - Whole of Centre - 2022
Fairfield City Council engaged City Plan and LFA Pacific to prepare an urban design study for the Fairfield City Centre in response to an identified need to facilitate revitalisation: Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study (sites under 2,500m2).
The Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Fairfield City Centre illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 14 June 2022 resolved to endorse the high level vision of the Study, however a number of aspects were not fully implemented including rezoning certain sites to RE1 Public Recreation. Open space and connectivity opportunities will be considered as larger sites redevelop, in consultation with the land owners and as part of future site specific Development Control Plan controls.
Changes inclusive of the new land use zonings and associated development standards form part of Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Amendment No.46). The amendment will come into effect once further endorsed and implemented by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the NSW Legislation website.
Fairfield City Centre Urban Design Study 2022.pdf(PDF, 87MB)
Yennora/ Fairfield East Urban Design Study 2023
Fairfield City Council engaged City Plan and LFA Pacific to prepare an urban design study for a precinct within Yennora / Fairfield East in response to an identified need to facilitate revitalisation of the neighbourhood centre and provide for housing diversity that is accessible to public transport (both rail and bus).
The Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Yennora / Fairfield East study area illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 9 May 2023 resolved to adopt the high level vision of the Study.
A Planning Proposal, Development Control Plan and Development Contribution Plan amendment will be prepared based on the Yennora/ Fairfield East Urban Design Study and be reported to Council prior to the submission to the Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination.
Yennora/ Fairfield East Urban Design Study 2023(PDF, 27MB)
Cabramatta Town Centre Urban Design Study 2022 - Draft
Fairfield City Council engaged SJB Architecture to prepare an urban design study for the Cabramatta Town Centre in response to an identified need to facilitate revitalisation: Cabramatta Town Centre Urban Design Study.
The Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Cabramatta Town Centre illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Council’s planning controls mostly use height of building, floor space ratio, and the minimum site area development standards to guide development in centres and precincts. The Study recommended a different detailed approach to achieve the overall development vision. While the development controls would guide owners to the desired built form, Council made the decision to simplify the controls to achieve the same development outcomes while also maintaining a consistent approach within its planning framework.
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 14 June 2022 resolved to endorse a number of recommendations contained within the Study. Changes include new land use zonings and associated development standards for some properties that form part of Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 - Amendment No.46. The amendment will come into effect once further endorsed and implemented by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the NSW Legislation website.
Cabramatta Town Centre Urban Design Study 2022.pdf(PDF, 90MB)
Canley Vale Local Centre Urban Design Study 2022 - Draft
Fairfield City Council engaged City Plan and SJB Architecture to prepare an urban design study for the Canley Vale Local Centre and the immediate surrounding residential precinct in response to an identified need to facilitate revitalisation: Canley Vale Urban Design Study.
The Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Canley Vale precinct illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Council’s planning controls mostly use height of building, floor space ratio, and the minimum site area development standards to guide development in centres and precincts. The Study recommended a different detailed approach to achieve the overall development vision. While the development controls would guide owners to the desired built form, Council made the decision to simplify the controls to achieve the same development outcomes while also maintaining a consistent approach within its planning framework.
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 14 June 2022 resolved to endorse a number of recommendations contained within the Study. Changes include new land use zonings and associated development standards for some properties that form part of Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 - Amendment No.46. The amendment will come into effect once further endorsed and implemented by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the NSW Legislation website.
Canley Vale Local Centre Urban Design Study 2022.pdf(PDF, 84MB)
Carramar Urban Design Study 2022 - Draft
Fairfield City Council engaged City Plan and SJB Architecture to prepare an urban design study for the Carramar neighbourhood in response to an identified need to:
- facilitate revitalisation of a precinct with a suburban railway station,
- provide diverse forms of housing, and
- support new development with accessible public recreation areas.
The Carramar Urban Design Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Carramar neighbourhood illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Council’s planning controls mostly use height of building, floor space ratio, and the minimum site area development standards to guide development in centres and precincts. The Study recommended a different detailed approach to achieve the overall development vision. While the development controls would guide owners to the desired built form, Council made the decision to simplify the controls to achieve the same development outcomes while also maintaining a consistent approach within its planning framework.
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 14 June 2022 resolved to endorse a number of recommendations contained within the Study. Changes include new land use zonings (including the creation of a new neighbourhood park and improvements to existing open space) and associated development standards for some properties that form part of Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 - Amendment No.46. The amendment will come into effect once further endorsed and implemented by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on the NSW Legislation website.
Carramar Urban Design Study 2022.pdf(PDF, 94MB)
Smithfield Urban Design Study 2022 - Draft
Council's Outcomes Committee at its meeting held on 11 July 2023 resolved to:
Endorse the draft Smithfield Urban Design Study (Attachment B), as an information document to assist the consideration and assessment of land owner initiated planning proposals located within and adjoining the Smithfield Town Centre.
Fairfield City Council engaged City Plan and LFA Pacific to prepare an urban design study for a precinct within Smithfield in response to an identified need to facilitate revitalisation of the neighbourhood centre and provide for housing diversity that is accessible public transport and services provided for within a town centre.
The Study has been prepared according to the principles set out in the NSW Government’s Western City District Plan. It takes a design-led planning approach that requires urban design that focuses on people in order to create great places to meet, work, exercise and socialise.
Outcomes of the Study are to:
- identify key urban design, built form and place making actions.
- put in place the foundations and opportunities to create a place that is attractive for people and capital investment as well as being inclusive and diverse.
- recommend the means of catalysing and implementing a broader revitalisation of the Smithfield study area illustrated via 3D built form modelling, changes to land use and development standards within Fairfield LEP 2013, and a DCP for the study area.
Smithfield Urban Design Study 2022.pdf(PDF, 95MB)