Transport for NSW - Bridge Work on Saxony Road, Horsley Park

For the safety of workers and road users whilst bridge foundation and structure work under the M7 Motorway is carried out, it is proposed that full and partial road closures are in place on Saxony Road between Sunday 28 July and Wednesday 7 August 2024, as follows:

Start date  Finish date  Closure 
10pm Sunday 28 July 2024  4am Sunday 4 August 2024  Full 
4am Sunday 4 August 2024 10pm Sunday 4 August 2024 Partial 
 10pm Sunday 4 August 2024 4am Wednesday 7 August 2024  Full 

The shared user path along the M7 Motorway leading towards Saxony Road will remain open.

Bridge Work on Saxony Rd Horsley Park

For further information regarding this matter please contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Coordinator Ms Sandra Slewa on 02 9725 0161 or email your enquires to