DA 68.1/2025 - on exhibition to 02/04/2025

Submissions closing on 02 April 2025, 05:00 PM

Property Description: Lot: 48 DP: 9046, No. 162 Meadows Road MOUNT PRITCHARD

Proposal: Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a two-storey childcare centre for a maximum of 112 children, and 29 at grade parking spaces.

Applicant: Childcare Developer Pty Ltd

Application No: 68.1 / 2025

Consent Authority: Fairfield City Council

On Exhibition: 20/03/2025 – 02/04/2025

Development Applications will be on exhibition at Council’s Administration Centre, 86 Avoca Road, Wakeley between 8.30am to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday) in accordance with the exhibition period specified above.

Submissions may be made to the City Manager, in writing until 4.30pm on the final day of the exhibition period. Council's Development Application file number should be quoted on all submissions and any person objecting to the proposal should state the land they own or occupy and the reasons for the objection.  All submissions received will be considered prior to a decision being made.   When making a submission on a Development or Planning Application, you may need to disclose political donations or gifts on Council’s Comments Regarding An Application Made to Council for Approval form. To find out more visit Council’s website https://www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/political-donations  

In accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 any comments and/or objections received will not be kept confidential and become open access information.