Development Control and Structure Plans Development Control Plans (DCPs) are adopted by Council to provide greater planning detail for developments, supplementing the zoning and development standards contained within Local Environmental Plans.
NSW Government’s Housing Reforms Information on the NSW Government’s Housing Reforms including, the Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code, Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy and In-fill Affordable Housing
Residential Swimming Pool and Spa Requirements What you need to know about having a swimming pool or spa in your property. Also includes information about the construction of ponds and water features.
Development Application Notification Plan (Statutory Regulation) To keep the community informed, acknowledge comments and provide feedback on what influenced the final decision.
Vehicular Crossings Looking to build or renovate a driveway? You are required to get approval for your driveway before any construction to ensure it complies with Council's specifications. Get more information and applications here.
Permits for Council’s Road Reserve A road opening permit application is required before you dig within a public road way and footpath. Get more information and applications here.
Work Zone Permits A “Work Zone” is to allow people who engage in construction work in or near the zone to park at the construction site.