Permits for Council’s Road Reserve
What is a Council Road Reserve?
A road reserve is the area between property boundaries. It can be made up of road, verges, cycle lanes, footpaths and other areas constructed for public travel. In situations where a resident would like to use the road reserve for a particular purpose an application needs to be submitted to the responsible road authority. For most local roads Council is the road authority. If the activity impacts a Transport for NSW main road or its property boundary you will need to contact them directly. Where an activity impacts both a Council road and a State main road you will need to inform both us and Transport for NSW.

Road Opening Permit
What is a Road Opening Permit?
A road opening permit application is required before you dig within a public road way and footpath.
When is this Permit required?
A permit is required to carry out any intrusive digging in the public road or footpath. The type of works covered by this application include:
- Installation, maintenance, repairs, replacement or upgrading of utilities such as water, gas, electricity or telecommunications
- Any type of stormwater or sewer connection works and repairs
- Providing a temporary driveway/layback to premises for residential or construction vehicle access
- Upgrading the road, kerb and gutter associated with the development site to be approved by Fairfield City Council.
- Skip bins
- Temporary fencing
Shipping containers are not permitted.
If you are constructing a vehicular crossing or replacing redundant driveways with new footpaths please use the Vehicular Crossing application.
What do I need to do?
1. Complete the application form
- The form includes a checklist of required documentation and outlines the fees.
- All fields on application must be completed with all required documentation also attached.
- Any fields left blank may result in a delay to the assessment of your application.
Click here to find the Road Opening Permit Application Form(PDF, 613KB).
2. Lodgement and payment of completed application form.
- Can be made in person at Councils administration office Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.30pm at 86 Avoca Road Wakeley NSW 2176
- By emailing documents to with a contact name and number for a return call to organise a credit card phone payment.
How long should I allow for an approval?
The assessing Council Officer will contact the applicant within 10 (ten) working days if they need to discuss or seek clarification in relation to any aspect of the application. In some instances, the Officer may request additional information or amendments to your proposal in order to complete their assessment.
Hoarding Permit
What is a Hoarding Permit?
The Hoarding Permit is issued under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 and Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. You will need to lodge a Hoarding Permit application for the following types of occupation:
- Type A Hoarding - These control the access into a work area and protect people and properties from the work activities. These include examples such as Hoarding, Scaffolding or Temporary Fencing.
- Type B Hoarding - These provide protection from falling objects can be referred as overhead protection. These provide overhead protection to people and property. These may cover footpath, a road or a complete building.

When is this Permit required?
- A temporary structure includes tents, marquees, stalls, hoardings, scaffolding and any other structure that is not permanent
- To install temporary structure in, on or above a public road, approval must be obtained
What Do I need to do?
1) Complete the application form
- The form includes a checklist of required documentation and outlines the fees.
- All fields on application must be completed with all required documentation also attached.
- Any fields left blank may result in a delay to the assessment of your application.
Click here to find the Erect Hoarding Permit Application Form.(PDF, 507KB)
2) Lodgement and payment of completed application form.
- Can be made in person at Councils administration office Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.30pm at 86 Avoca Road Wakeley NSW 2176
By emailing documents to with a contact name and number for a return call to organise a credit card phone payment.
How long should I allow for an approval?
- The assessing Council Officer will contact the applicant within 10 (ten) working days if they need to discuss or seek clarification in relation to any aspect of the application. In some instances, the Officer may request additional information or amendments to your proposal in order to complete their assessment.
Road Occupancy Permit
What is a Road Occupancy Permit?
This is a form used to obtain approval to use the public way for construction maintenance works and/or temporary occupancy.
When is this Permit Required?
You need to apply for a Road Occupation Permit if you intend to occupy Council land while doing any of the following:
- Carry out construction works or use a concrete pump.
- Use a mobile crane or travel tower (if you apply for a crane permit, and the crane overhangs or encroaches above a property not related to your works, you need written consent from the airspace owner).
- Store building materials, plants, equipment, site sheds or machinery.
What do I need to do?
1. Complete the application form.
- The form includes a checklist of required documentation and outlines the fees.
- All fields on application must be completed with all required documentation also attached.
- Any fields left blank may result in a delay to the assessment of your application.
Click here to find the Occupation of Footpath / Roadway Application Form.(PDF, 967KB)
2. Lodgement and payment of completed application form.
- Can be made in person at Councils administration office Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.30pm at 86 Avoca Road Wakeley NSW 2176
- By emailing documents to with a contact name and number for a return call to organise a credit card phone payment.
How long should I allow for an approval?
The assessing Council Officer will contact the applicant within 10 (ten) working days if they need to discuss or seek clarification in relation to any aspect of the application. In some instances, the Officer may request additional information or amendments to your proposal in order to complete their assessment.