Development Control and Structure Plans
Development Control Plans (DCPs) are adopted by Council to provide greater planning detail for developments, supplementing the zoning and development standards contained within Local Environmental Plans.
They promote better development throughout the City, protecting the community's lifestyle and enjoyment of town centres and neighbourhoods.
The NSW Planning System allows applicants to provide alternative design solutions to meet identified objectives or outcomes and have these alternatives considered on merit. Consult with Council planning staff for more information.
There are a number of Development Control Plans that apply to Fairfield City, including the Fairfield City Wide Development Control Plan 2013 and Site Specific Development Control Plans that apply to either town centres or development sites. There are also Development Control Plans that may not yet be in force, however, have been prepared and are awaiting a rezoning.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment have finalised a new Employment zone structure for all Business (B) and Industrial (IN) zoned land. The new zone structure commenced within Fairfield Local Environmental Plan 2013 on 26 April 2023. From 26 April 2023, a reference to a former business or industrial zone in a document (including Council Development Control Plans) is taken to include a reference to a new employment or supporting zone under the environmental planning instrument.
Accordingly, any reference to a Business and Industrial zone within Council DCPs is now taken to mean the equivalent employment or supporting land use zone as shown in the following table:
Current Zone Reference |
New Zone Reference |
B1 Neighbourhood Centre
E1 Local Centre
B2 Local Centre
E1 Local Centre with Additional Permitted Use provisions (Key Site No. 31) to allow registered clubs and tourist and visitor accommodation
B3 Commercial Core
E2 Commercial Centre
B4 Mixed Use
MU1 Mixed Use
B5 Business Development
E4 General Industrial with Additional Permitted Use provisions (Key Site No. 30) to allow health consulting rooms, information and education facilities, medical centres and specialised retail premises.
B6 Enterprise Corridor
E3 Productivity Support
IN1 General Industrial
E4 General Industrial
IN2 Light Industrial
E4 General Industrial
Over the next several months Council will be updating Development Control Plans, Contributions Plans and other relevant material which reference business or industrial zones to ensure that the new employment zones land use structure is referenced accurately within all documents.
To determine the new zone for previously zoned Business and Industrial land please refer to the published equivalent zones tables [alternatively Council can reproduce the specific table].
Click here for further information on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Employment Zones Reform. Employment zones reform - (
NB: Document means an Act, statutory or other instrument, contract or agreement, and includes a document issued or made under or for the purposes of an Act or statutory or other instrument.
Development Control Plans
- Fairfield City Wide DCP 2024(PDF, 14MB)
- Bonnyrigg Town Centre DCP 2018(PDF, 4MB)
- Cabramatta Town Centre DCP(PDF, 9MB)
- Canley Corridor DCP(PDF, 9MB)
- Fairfield City Centre DCP 2013(PDF, 53MB)
- Fairfield Heights Town Centre DCP 2020(PDF, 4MB)
- Prairiewood Town Centre Southern Precinct DCP 2013(PDF, 1MB)
- Wetherill Park Market Town DCP(PDF, 612KB)
- Villawood Town Centre(PDF, 1MB)
- Keyhole Lands Site-Specific DCP 2025(PDF, 1MB)
Development Control Plans adopted but not in force
No current adopted versions yet to come into force.