The role of the Principal Certifier
Qualified professionals need to oversee any development, and certify that the work is safe and compliant with relevant standards and conditions at various stages. You can choose council or a private Certifier as your Principal Certifier.
Mandatory Inspections and Certification
There are certain inspections throughout the course of construction that Council needs to carry out. Council will notify you of these (check your construction certificate).
For Council inspections of works, you or your builder will need to call Council's Customer Service Centre on 9725 0222 to arrange an inspection, at least 24 hours before the inspection.
If works are not ready for inspection, you are encouraged cancel or postpone the inspection, as incomplete works may require a re-inspection and additional fee.
Council undertakes inspections on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and you are required to have your stamped plans on site (they should be available on-site throughout construction).
After the inspection is completed, you will be given a written record of results. It is important to keep a copy of each of your inspections.
If the inspection finds works to be defective, you will be required to rectify the fault and arrange for a re-inspection before proceeding to the next stage of construction.
Once Council has completed all mandatory inspections and is satisfied that the work is compliant, you can apply for an Occupation Certificate.
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