Council outdoor swimming pools to remain closed due to NSW Government

Published on 14 May 2020

Outdoor swimming pool at Prairiewood Leisure Centre

Fairfield City Council has made the decision to delay the reopening of Council-run outdoor swimming pools as it is not practical due to the NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions.

Changes to NSW Government restrictions come into force tomorrow, permitting Council to reopen outdoor swimming pools to the public with new rules in place restricting the number of swimmers to 10 at any one time, and the use of change rooms not allowed.

Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone said after careful consideration it was determined that reopening the pools was not practical or feasible at this time.

“Sadly, it is not currently feasible, convenient or safe to open the outdoor swimming pools at this time,” Mayor Carbone said.

“Opening up our outdoor swimming pools to only 10 people at a time, and without change room access during cold weather is not appropriate. We don’t want people getting sick because they have to wait until they get home after a swim to get changed.

 “We understand that there are many in our community that have been looking forward to our pools reopening and will be disappointed at this decision. Please be patient. We are eager to open our facilities as long as it is safe, practical and feasible to do so.

Council will continue to update the community on changes to its services as and when changes occur on social media and its website. For a full list of changes, visit


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