Keeping Your Environment Safe and Healthy

Environment Management Forms

From 1 September 2019, local councils share the Appropriate Regulatory Authority (ARA) role with the EPA for regulating Underground Petroleum Storage System (UPSS) sites across NSW.
Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 part 5.7 the person responsible for UPSS site must notify pollution incident to relevant regulatory Authority.

Leak notification form for UPSS:

The EPA has developed 5 UPSS fact sheets covering the major topics/requirements of the UPSS Regulation. Copies of the factsheet and further information is available from NSW EPA

Local Orders Policy

The Local Orders Policy outlines matters that need to be considered in issuing an Order.

It ensures that everyone understands their responsibilities in protecting the enjoyment, quality and safety of residential neighbourhoods, centres and the environment.

Orders relate to:

  • Overgrown vegetation
  • Surface water
  • Removing objects from a public place
  • Nuisance animals
  • Food preparation, storage and handling
  • Issuing an order is not mandatory and is at the discretion of the Council's authorised investigating officer

Read the Local Orders Policy(PDF, 430KB)

Overgrown Properties

A property is generally considered overgrown if grass is above 60cm (about knee height). As a guide, property owners should keep vegetation well maintained within 5m of a property boundary. 

Residents are encouraged to try to solve overgrown vegetation problems first by talking to the property owner. Most people are happy to take care of vegetation maintenance problems when they are approached in a friendly manner. If this approach fails, you may report the matter, or contact council on 9725 0222.

Council's Investigations Officers promptly respond to complaints of overgrown vegetation and, if required, will employ a contractor to remove vegetation, the cost of which is then charged to the owner. 

Overgrown properties detract from the general appearance of the area as well as providing refuge to vermin, which leaves a property in an unhealthy condition. Council requires that owners of land maintain their property in a healthy condition, to avoid the possibility of vermin (rats, mice etc). 

Regulatory action involves issuing co-operation letters, followed by the service of formal notices directing the property owner to manage and maintain the vegetation under the provisions of the Local Government Act.


Many of the homes and other buildings throughout Fairfield City were built using materials containing asbestos. 

Disturbing or removing it unsafely can create a health hazard. 

If you are undertaking building works, you may come into contact with asbestos.

More information: Asbestos - A Guide for Householders and the General Public.

Weed Management Biosecurity

How does Biosecurity affect me?

From 1st July 2017 the NSW State Government has replaced the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 with the Biosecurity Act 2015. Under the Noxious Weeds Act all landowners had a responsibility to control noxious weeds on their property.

Under the Biosecurity Act, the responsibility is to manage the ‘Biosecurity Risk’ posed or likely to be posed by Priority Weeds, which will be known as a ‘General Biosecurity Duty’. The term ‘Noxious Weed’ will not be used; these are now known as ‘Priority Weeds’ or ‘Biosecurity Matter’.

No space for weeds

Water lettuce

Water lettuce is a free floating aquatic plant with the potential to quickly spread and form a dense mat that can cover an entire body of water. 

It causes:

  • poor water quality
  • less food and habitat for fish and other water life
  • blocked irrigation equipment
  • problems for boating, fishing and water activities
  • more habitat for mosquitos

If you see it, call the NSW DPI Biosecurity Helpline: 1800 680 244

Find out more in this presentation.(PPTX, 4MB)

prickly pear cacti

Did you know that it is a crime to swap or sell prickly pear cacti in NSW?

Prickly pear cacti have sharp spines or barbs that:
  • injure people, pets, working dogs and livestock
  • injure, cause infections in and kill native animals
  • blind animals
  • prevent farm animals from grazing
  • restrict animals access to shade and water. 
To help stop the spread of prickly pear cacti:
  • don’t buy, sell, swap or give away prickly pear cacti
  • don’t buy, sell, swap or giveaway cacti if you don’t know for sure they are not prickly pears
  • let us know if you see any prickly pear cacti being traded
  • never dump unwanted plants, ask your local council weeds officer how to dispose of them. 

If you've seen them for sale, call the NSW DPI Biosecurity Helpline: 1800 680 244 

Find out more in this factsheet.(PDF, 666KB)

What is a Priority Weed?

Priority Weeds used to be known as Noxious Weeds. Priority weeds impact upon neighbouring properties and surrounding bushland by excluding and competing with native plant, pasture crops and gardens. The plants can be spread by birds, wind machinery, stock feed and storm water.

Frogbit Weed

Fairfield City Council is asking residents to report any sightings of an illegal water plant, after weed officers detected the presence of Frogbit, in De Freitas wetland near Fairfield City.

Contractor with a sample of frogbit weed in De Freitas wetland

Council officers are working closely with the NSW Department of Primary Industries to ensure a rapid response to the outbreak. Council is calling on the public to help identify and report any other local sources.

According to Fairfield City Mayor Frank Carbone, public assistance is essential to ensure our creeks and waterways remain clear of this weed, considered a major biosecurity threat in NSW.

"The Department have moved swiftly to work with our team of weeds officers to develop a plan of action for surveillance, awareness and treatment," Mayor Carbone said.

"This weed is commonly found in fish ponds, aquariums and water features, but can rapidly invade our precious waterways. In this particular case, the weed looks to have made its way from a nearby property into the De Freitas wetland."

Frogbit originates from fresh water habitats of tropical and subtropical Central and South America. Although in the early stages of establishment in Australia, these weeds have the potential to seriously degrade Australia's ecosystems if left untreated.

Frogbit been banned from sale since 2014. It is classified as a prohibited matter under the Biosecurity Act 2015 and heavy fines apply for offence committed under the act.

To identify the weed, look for smooth, rounded, fleshy green leaves up to 4cm across with sponge-like sections underneath. Images of the Frogbit weed can be found at

To report Frogbit, call NSW Invasive Plants and Animals Enquiry Line 1800 680 244, or Fairfield City Council on 9725 0222.


Pest animal information

Invasive Species

The Department of Primary Industry, Local Land Services, Fairfield Council and a number of other Western Sydney Councils presented an invasive species webinar. If you would like to view this webinar, you can watch it here on YouTube.

If you have any further questions or would like to report any suspected invasive species please contact the DPI. You can find their contact details on the Department of Primary Industries website.

Indian Myna bird

Control of feral animals, including the Indian Myna bird (Acridotheres tristis), in NSW is the responsibility of the land owner/occupier. 

See this factsheet on the Indian Myna bird and what you can do to help control them.(PDF, 3MB)


Tree Work Permits

Trees are protected in Fairfield City.

Tree removal requires Council approval and penalties apply if a tree is damaged or removed without a tree work permit.

For details and information visit our Tree Works Permits page.