Stronger Without Steroids
The Stronger Without Steroids project aims to raise awareness about the negative effects of steroids and provides alternative strategies to build muscle in a healthy and safe way. Below is a series of posters and videos.
This project was developed in partnership with Fairfield Community Drug Action Team (CDAT), Fairfield City Council and Fairfield Leisure Centres. The series of videos were developed by Legacy Studios.
For more information on health tips visit Healthy Fairfield.
To speak to an Exercise Specialist from Fairfield Council’s Leisure Centre contact 9725 0336 or visit Leisure Centres.
Posters(PDF, 7MB)
Stronger Without Steroids Videos
An educational video series on how to build muscle naturally with proper training, nutrition and sleep, and learn about the risks of steroid use.
Fairfield City Council use of both free and paid posts and programs herein referred to as ‘Stronger Without Steroids – Videos’ are intended for educational and informative purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical, or professional advice. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your unique needs.

Click here to watch "Stronger without Steroids | What are the risks of steroid use?" on YouTube

Click here to watch "Stronger With Training | How to train effectively to build muscle naturally?" on YouTube

Click here to watch "Stronger With Nutrition Part 1 | Nutrition for building muscle and staying healthy" on YouTube

Click here to watch "Stronger With Nutrition Part 2 | What supplements can assist in building muscle faster?" on YouTube

Click here to watch "Stronger With Sleep | How important is sleep for building muscle?" on YouTube