Improving community safety and reducing crime is Council's priority.
We continually develop projects that address the needs and concerns of local residents. Central to the development and delivery of these projects are the strong partnerships with community, Police, business owners, government and non-government service providers.
Visit our Facebook page for regular updates
Under The Law
'Under The Law' is a 28-minute video that uses storytelling as a way to engage and educate communities about the rights and responsibilities of Australian residents. Complimentary copies of the video in Arabic or Vietnamese can be sent to you by emailing

Click here to watch the video "Under the Law"
Everyone has the right to live without violence and abuse; your human rights don't stop when you close your front door. In Australia, police are there to help victims of domestic and family violence. For many people, naming and reporting domestic violence can be a hard decision. 'Family Matters' looks at different views and beliefs that stop people reporting domestic and family violence.

Click here to watch the video "Family Matters"
Safety Audit
A community safety audit is a process of reviewing public spaces and urban areas and making recommendations about how they can be improved to prevent crime and promote community safety.
Download the Safety Audit Fact Sheet(PDF, 275KB).
As part of its strategy for reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in Fairfield City, Council rolled out a CCTV installation program in open spaces in locations across the City.
Domestic and family violence is behaviour that is used to control and intimidate. It is an abuse of power that can leave people feeling hurt, trapped, depressed, despaired and/or fearful.
Forms of domestic violence include sexual assault; psychological and emotional abuse; financial abuse; physical violence, intimidation, threats and stalking.
Council provides funding for Domestic and Family Violence Prevention initiatives as part of the Community Development Grants Program. This includes:
Visit Community Development Grants for more information.
Download a copy of our Fairfield Domestic and Family Violence Service Directory(PDF, 709KB)
Assistance and support is available for people experiencing violence. Click here for more information.
As all information is supplied by service providers, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, and inclusion should not be taken as endorsement.
Please refer to Fairfield City Council's Terms and Disclaimer
Police 000
Council actively participates in numerous committees and networks that address issues of Community Safety and Crime Prevention.
Mayor's Crime Prevention Reference Group
The Mayor's Crime Prevention Reference Group is a formal partnership between Council, Police, government agencies, community organisations and local residents to work together to improve community safety and reduce crime in Fairfield City.
Fairfield Domestic Violence Committee
The Fairfield Domestic Violence Committee (FDVC) aims to reduce the local incidence of domestic violence through the development of partnerships and increased coordination of service provision. The Committee has operated for over 25 years.
Fairfield City Council is a member of the FDVC and has a long-standing commitment to reducing domestic violence in the City.
Local Government Community Safety and Crime Prevention Network
Fairfield City Council is a founding member of this NSW state wide network. The Local Government Community Safety and Crime Prevention Network is made up of stakeholders that have an interest in improving community safety and reducing and preventing crime.
Fairfield Community Drug Action Team
Since 1999, Community Drug Action Teams (CDATs) have led thousands of community activities and campaigns to engage and educate at-risk youth, parents and the wider community to curb alcohol-fueled violence and drug use. The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) supports the CDATs through the Community Engagement and Action Program (CEAP) funded by NSW Health ( The Fairfield CDAT was established in 2000 following concerns expressed by the community regarding the drug issues in Cabramatta. The Fairfield CDAT has evolved over time into a group made up of local organisations committed to delivering programs and projects focused on educating, raising awareness and providing information.
Homelessness Interagency
Over the past two years there has been an increase in the reporting of rough sleepers - people sleeping on the streets - in Fairfield City’s streets and parks from residents, business owners and Council staff. Prior to this increase in rough sleepers, Council focused on addressing those ‘at risk’ of homelessness who would be referred to accommodation services. Council co-convenes a joint Homelessness Interagency in Partnership with Liverpool City Council. The Interagency meets online every second month with some face-to-face meetings
For more information on the above networks and committees, please contact Council’s Social Planning and Community Development Team on 9725 0222 or email
Fairfield City Council has partnered with The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council over a number of years to help reduce vehicle theft and theft of valuables from vehicles in Fairfield City.
Operation Bounce Back was created as part of the collaboration and a series of videos were developed outlining best car security practice.
If you would like more information about Operation Bounce Back contact Council’s Customer Service team on 9725 0222 or email

Thieves steal number plates to commit crime
Fairfield City Council in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice initiated the Graffiti Paint Out Program focusing on reducing graffiti and vandalism at parks and other public facilities. It is operated through the community service order program.
Residents are encouraged to notify Council of problem graffiti locations via the following:
- Sign up to VandalTrak and report graffiti online or via the VandalTrak app, available for Apple
- Or contact Council's Customer Service team on 9725 0222
Download Graffiti and the Law Factsheet(PDF, 280KB)
The ‘Safeguarding Against Fraud’ project aims to educate and raise awareness of fraud in the Fairfield community. The project has been funded by Department of Communities and Justice and developed in partnership with Fairfield City Council, NSW Police – Fairfield City Police Area Command, Fairfield Neighbourhood Watch, CORE Community Services, NAVITAS English, NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Services (STARTTS) and Woodville Alliance.
Did you know?
- In Australia, a total of 99,321 scams were reported in 2020 with $89,585,809 lost (Scam Watch,
- In NSW, a total of 29,000 scams were reported in 2020 with $25,476, 145 lost (Scam Watch,
- In Fairfield City, fraud remains a major crime category and is underreported. From July 2018 – June 2020, there were a total of 2,748 recorded incidents of fraud (NSW BOCSAR)
Stop, avoid and protect yourself from scams
Fraudsters are good at their game, but if you recognise the ‘warning signs’ you can avoid their traps and protect yourself. The resources below have been developed to help you better understand types of fraud, how to protect yourself and when to report. The resources are translated in Arabic, Assyrian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Khmer.
STOP-AVOID-PROTECT-yourself-from-scams.pdf(PDF, 4MB)
How to become a member
If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Fairfield CDAT, sign a copy of the membership agreement form below and email it to the Convener - Natasa Zekanovic at
Fairfield CDAT - Membership Agreement Form 2021(PDF, 496KB)
NSW CDAT Program
There are more than 60 CDATs across NSW. A consortium of specialist alcohol and other drug organisations led by Odyssey House NSW manages the program, supporting CDATs across the state to deliver primary prevention activities and help reduce drug and alcohol related harm in their local communities. Along with Odyssey House NSW, the consortium includes The Buttery, Karralika Programs Inc. and Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Service Inc.
What is the Fairfield CDAT?
The Fairfield CDAT covers the region of Fairfield LGA and works in partnership with agencies, community representatives and government through a primary prevention and harm minimisation approach.
Fairfield CDAT has been in existence since 2000 and continues to work towards identifying and responding to the diverse needs of the local community, increasing community awareness and promoting protective factors in the community to reduce the impact of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) related harms.
The Fairfield CDAT is currently focus on drug and alcohol initiatives supporting young people.
Meetings are held bi-monthly on the second Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be held online on Wednesday 8 September, 10am - 12pm.
Current CDAT Projects
Stronger Without Project

The Fairfield CDAT is currently working on the Stronger Without project. The project focuses on raising awareness of healthy physical activity amongst young men to increase knowledge of how to stay healthy without the use of steroids. In 2018, steroids were reported as the number one most commonly injected drug in Australia over a 6 year period (The Butterfly Effect 2018).
As part of the project, the Fairfield CDAT is working in partnership with a personal trainer to develop a poster and video series to provide information around healthy training tips to build capacity of young males to be more aware of healthy and alternative options in achieving muscle progression.
Fairfield Local Drug Action Team (LDAT)
The Fairfield Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) was established through the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. The partners include:
- Fairfield City Council
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- NSW Police Force – Fairfield City Police Area Command
- South Western Sydney Health District – Drug Health Services
- Department of Communities and Justice
- Family Drug Support
- NSW Service for the Treatment of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)
Leading Stronger and Connected Communities project
The Leading Stronger and Connected Communities project is an initiative of The Fairfield Local Drug Action Team (LDAT), and focuses on building the capacity, knowledge and confidence of community and faith leaders and community workers to work towards prevention of alcohol and other drug (AOD) related harm. The project aims to challenge the attitudes, beliefs and stigmas associated with AOD.
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Resource Tool Kit
The AOD resource tool kit has been developed through consultation with a diverse group of stakeholders. The information used to develop the resource tool kit was gathered through a stakeholder forum conducted in June 2019 with community and faith leaders, anonymous surveys, regular LDAT meetings, interviews with the CALD community and staff within Fairfield City Council, and consultations with an alcohol and other drugs expert and local men’s and women’s groups. The resounding theme to emerge from the consultations and interviews was the prevalence of stigma and judgement around the use of AOD.
The resource tool kit includes a:
- user guide
- set of cards with an illustration, message and discussion points
- glossary with information about alcohol, drugs and their effects
- directory of resources and services available within the Fairfield LGA
For enquiries about the AOD resource tool kit please email
Fairfield Local Drug Action Team - Leading Stronger and Connected Communities Project
Fairfield Council is partnering with Transport for NSW on the Safer Cities: Her Way program which will see a $1 million investment in Canley Vale aiming to improve feelings of safety, particularly for women and girls in public spaces.
About the Program
Safer Cities: Her Way is investing $10 million over two years to partner with 10 selected pilot councils across NSW to help improve feelings of safety in NSW cities and towns, particularly for women and girls moving about in public spaces near transport hubs. Fairfield City Council is one of 10 pilot councils in NSW partnering with Transport for NSW on the Safer Cities: Her Way program.
The program will engage women and girls to understand their feelings of safety when using public spaces and work directly with them to co-design and trial temporary improvements to the public spaces to help them feel safer.
Safer Cities: Her Way is part of the wider Safer Cities program led by Transport for NSW.
Engage with us
We asked for feedback on your experiences of safety in public spaces in Canley Vale, and you delivered. We recently held an online webinar to present back to you the findings of engagement and input from over 250 people on our survey, interactive map, pop-ups and walkshops. The webinar outlines what you told us about your feelings of safety in Canley Vale, your suggestions for temporary public spaces improvements and the next steps on this project. Thank you to everyone that contributed to this important work.
Click below to watch the recording of this webinar.

Click here to watch the Safer Cities Webinar
Following consultation with the community, these are the main ideas that you have said will help improve feelings of safety:
- More and different types of lighting
- Temporary activations
- Improve overall look and feel
- More public artwork
- Shopfront activation and night life
- More signage and wayfinding
- More surveillance
The below map shows the main locations where public space improvements have been made.
Based on community feedback, the following public space improvements have been implemented in each location.
Location 1: Adams Park
- Providing good lighting around pathways and playground
- Providing table tennis with custom painted artwork
- Providing chess board tables
- Installing more bench seating
- Installing new directional signage and shared pathway line markings

Location 2: Diggers Lane
- Providing bollard lighting in the laneway
- Decorative lighting above shared pathway
- Painting on the pathway
Location 3: Canley Vale Road
- Providing accessible parklets for outdoor dining and seating options using parking spaces
- Enhancing look with customised artwork, lights, pergolas, umbrellas and planter boxes
- Creating opportunities for more people to be around and have ‘eyes on the street’ during the day and night
- Pathway areas in front of parklets will have custom artwork
What is a parklet?
A parklet is when a footpath extends on to a parking lane to provide more public space and amenity such as seating and planting when narrow footpaths prevent the installation of traditional sidewalk cafes. They combine smart transport planning with safety and good design to create an attractive destination for people to sit, eat and socialise.
The parklets on Canley Vale Road are designed with driver and user safety in mind, using sandstone blocks as buffers to ensure everyone’s safety. The sandstone blocks are positioned within the parking lane and do not present a threat to drivers and cyclists.
Location 4: Westacott Lane
- Creating a mural along the fence line at Westacott Lane
Location 5: Underpass
- New mural to replace existing artwork
- New wayfinding and warning signage
- Line marking along shared path
- Replaced halogen lights with LED lights
- Fixed lighting adjacent to rail bridge
Public Art Sites

- Creating a mural along the fence line at Westacott Lane
- Providing pathway art along Diggers Lane
- Customising ping pong table with a painted artwork
- Customising parklets with artist designed decals
- Creating murals on the retaining walls at the underpass cycleway
- Creating a mural at 2 Canley Vale Rd (subject to owner’s approval)
- Providing pathway art in areas in front of parklets on Canley Vale Rd
Measuring our impact
An important part of this program involves assessing the impact of the public space improvements, to understand the difference these changes will make for you and your community. We collected your feedback before we started work and now that we have completed the majority of works, we want to hear what you think!
Click here: to complete the survey and have your say.
Photo gallery
See below photos from some of our engagement activities:
Emergency Support