
Fairfield City Ageing Strategy

Fairfield City Council values the important contribution that our seniors make to the vibrancy of our community.

The Fairfield City Ageing Strategy(PDF, 10MB) sets out the strategic direction for Council in meeting the needs of older residents. The strategy was developed based on feedback from the community and key stakeholders, and provides clear direction to guide future services and priorities for Council.

For more information, please contact Council’s Community Projects and Partnerships Officer - Aged and Disability on 9725 0222 or email

Networks and Forums 

Fairfield Seniors Network

Fairfield Seniors Network is a forum for senior leaders, senior citizens and people working in aged services. It serves as a support network and provides an opportunity for seniors to voice concerns, share information and gather resources.

The Fairfield Seniors Network meets monthly, starting in March each year, on the first Monday of the month, 10am-11.30am. Meetings take place at the Fairfield City Council Administration Centre (Committee Room), 86 Avoca Road, Wakeley.

For more information, please contact Council’s Community Projects and Partnerships Officer or Business Support Officer - Aged and Disability on 9725 0222 or email

For information on home and community services, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit

South West Sydney Ageing Forum

The South West Sydney Ageing Forum (SWS Ageing Forum) aims to provide an environment of mutual support, cooperation, networking and the sharing of information for ageing service providers and to be a voice for the needs of frail older people and carers in the Fairfield, Liverpool and Canterbury Bankstown local government areas (LGAs).

Membership is open to organisations and their workers who work with older people, people and their carers, in the Fairfield, Liverpool and Canterbury Bankstown LGAs and peak aged organisations in NSW.

Information, agendas and minutes for the forum are distributed by the email function of the Support Services website, which has an intranet for SWS Ageing Services. 

For more information, please contact Council’s Community Projects and Partnerships Officer - Aged and Disability on 9725 0222 or email

Seniors' Events

Grandparents Day

NSW Grandparents Day celebrates the diversity of grandparent relationships across age groups, cultural backgrounds, and geographical locations. Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories and love.

Grandparents Day gives us the chance to recognise the older people in our lives for the invaluable contributions they make to their family and community.

Fairfield City Council will host a Grandparents Day event in October 2025, during NSW Grandparents Day. The exact date is yet to be confirmed.

Visit the NSW Grandparents Day website for further information, resources and stories about grandparents.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on our Grandparents Day events.

Seniors' Concert

For over 15 years, Fairfield City Council has proudly hosted the annual Seniors Concert, offering a meaningful opportunity for seniors in our community to connect, reduce social isolation, and enhance their overall well-being. We recognise the unique challenges many seniors face and the concert reflects our ongoing commitment to advocating for the needs of older adults, celebrating their contributions, and creating an inclusive, age-friendly community where everyone feels supported and valued

For more information, call 9725 0222. 

Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information

Seniors Festival Expo

The NSW Seniors Festival will take place on Tuesday, 11 March 2025, at Fairfield Showground. Fairfield City Council is proud to host a variety of programs across its sites, designed to help seniors stay connected, active, healthy, and independent. The festival offers a unique opportunity for seniors to learn, expand their social networks, and share life experiences.

This year’s theme, Time to Shine, highlights the vibrancy and talent within our senior community. As part of the celebrations, Council will proudly host its first ever Seniors Got Talent competition, inviting participants to showcase their incredible skills and creativity.

For more information contact or call 9725 0222.

Visit NSW Seniors Week Festival for more information about Seniors Festival Activities.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on our Seniors Week events.

Carers Week

Carers Week is a national celebration of unpaid carers in the community. It is a time to take a break and get involved in community events that recognise the important role of carers in our society. 

National Carers Week recognises 2.65 million Australians who provide care to family and friends to the value of $60 billion volunteer hours. It is estimated that 1 in 8 Australians provide unpaid care, however they are often unrecognised. Carers Week is an opportunity for everyone to show their appreciation for carers everywhere.

Council recognises carers' contributions and needs through its Strategy on Ageing for Fairfield City, Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Fairfield Community Grants, which offer small grants to organisations and groups to organise carers programs and activities. Council also offers carers free entrance to our leisure centres when accompanying a person with disability to a program.

For more information, please contact Council’s Community Projects and Partnerships Officer - Aged and Disability on 9725 0222 or email


There are over 2.65 million unpaid carers in Australia providing care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, alcohol or drug dependency, long term health condition or who is frail due to age. 

For more information on carers, carers support services and programs, please visit: Services and support | Carers NSW

Anyone at any time can become a carer. National Carers Week is an opportunity to educate and raise awareness among all Australians about the diversity of carers and their caring roles. 

For more information about National Carers Week please visit 

Carers NSW has also launched a new series of fact sheets developed for family and friend carers in New South Wales about their rights and complaints options across a range of services. Download the fact sheets here:


Resources and Support Services

Recreational and Healthy Activities Directory for Seniors 2024

Fairfield City Council is committed to providing opportunities, support and resources for seniors to participate in the community and to embrace healthy ageing.

Fairfield City’s Recreational and Healthy Activities Directory for Seniors 2024 has been developed to provide seniors with information about recreational groups and activities that are available across Fairfield City’s 27 suburbs.

The Directory is available here to download(PDF, 9MB)  

Printed copies of the Directory are also available on request, please email or phone 9725 0222.

For more information regarding senior’s community events and services, visit Council’s website

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in the Directory is current, it is recommended to contact the organisation/group listed herein to ensure that its information is up-to-date.

If you are a community organisation or group that would like your information included or updated in the Directory, please contact the Social Planning and Community Development team on 9725 0222.

Community Directory

This directory provides up-to-date information about community organisations who provide services in the Fairfield City area.

Click here for the Community Directory

As all information is supplied by service providers, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, and inclusion should not be taken as endorsement.

Please refer to Fairfield City Council's Terms and Disclaimer

Safeguarding Against Fraud

The ‘Safeguarding Against Fraud’ initiative aims to inform and empower the Fairfield community by raising awareness about fraud prevention. This project is funded by the Department of Communities and Justice and developed through a collaboration between Fairfield City Council, NSW Police – Fairfield City Police Area Command, Fairfield Neighbourhood Watch, CORE Community Services, NAVITAS English, the NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS), and Woodville Alliance.

Learn more about Safeguarding Against Fraud in your language