Find Your Local Playground - Keep Fit, Have Fun, Celebrate Events Find information about playgrounds in your neighbourhood by searching through street address or using your location wherever you are in the City. Each park location describes what you will find so you can keep fit and have fun... including your dog too!
Find a Sportsfield - Hire a Sportsfield Fairfield City Council provides parks and sportsfields throughout the City for the enjoyment of our community. Find out more information on how to hire a park or sportsfield to keep your sporting group fit and active. Browse the map to see where our sportsfields are located.
Using Our Sportsfields including when wet Find out if sportsfields are open or closed. This page also details what's required of you if you hire or use a local sportsfield.
Futsal Courts Council provides outdoor futsal facilities for the use of the community on a casual basis.
Outdoor Fitness Equipment & Circuit Paths Outdoor fitness equipment is available at many of the parks in Fairfield City. Find your nearest outdoor gym and see what types of equipment are available.
Cycling and Trail Dirt Bike Riding Fairfield City offers an extensive network of cycleway and shared paths for cycling. Find out more about them here.
Dog Off-Leash Areas Find local parks and off-leash areas where you can let your dogs can run free with their canine friends.
Planning and maintaining parks, sportsfields and public spaces Use of the City's public open spaces are guided by Plans of Management. City planning has facilitated the development of neighbourhood parks in the future. The City's parks and open spaces are maintained following service standards. Find out more!