Comments and/or objections
If you would like to provide Council with your comments and/or objections, please ensure you quote Council's reference number (Development Application number) and provide your comments before 4.30pm on the final day of the exhibition period.
Comments can be submitted as follows:
Objection Form(PDF, 727KB)
Download and complete the Comments/Objections Form and email it to or post to Fairfield City Council, PO Box 21, Fairfield NSW 1860.
Any comments and/or objections received will not be kept confidential and become open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
All submissions will be considered before a decision is made. For further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 9725 0222. In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPPA) 2009, Council will not normally consider comments/objections as confidential.
Please note: The NSW Government Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 requires anyone making a submission on a planning matter (e.g. to a development proposal, development control plan, or rezoning issue) being dealt with by Council, to disclose any gifts and/or political donations to any local Councillor or Council employee within a two year timeframe before a submission is lodged.